Manufacturers Please Help Fight Covid-19
Governments at all levels in Canada are requesting support from our manufacturing sector to aid in the supply of critical supplies and technology for the fight against Covid-19. In a time when many of our manufacturers are struggling with reduced demand for their products, this represents an opportunity to pivot their business to support the fight against Covid-19. The following are links to government portals where you can register your business to help and a portal that the Canadian Manufacturers & Exporters using to build a parallel list that they can use to address government inquiries for support from the manufacturing sector.
- Manitoba Government
- Ontario Government
- Federal Government
- Public Works & Procurement Canada
- Canadian Manufacturers & Exports
If you and your business can help, you support the fight and fill some of your excess manufacturing capacity. There are the added benefits of retaining more of your team to facilitate your business ramp up post Covid-19 and developing new capabilities that will serve you in the post Covid-19 market. If you need assistance re-tooling your business, adding capability, or creating new products to address current needs, Polyvations remains available to assist you. Contact us today.